Non Malignant Breast Lumps

On discovery of a lump in the breast, the procedure to be followed, till diagnosis is achieved, remains the same for all lumps. On examination, there are certain characteristics about lumps which can direct the attending physician towards the nature of the lump.

Certain other common lumps are as follows:
  • Fibroadenomas
  • Breast Cysts
  • Sebaceous cysts
  • Mastitis, which can be specific or non specific
  • Abscesses
  • Galactocoeles
  • Haematomas
  • Traumatic Fat Necrosis

Fibroadenomas are benign lumps of the breast usually seen in younger patients. They may be single or multiple and are usually painless. Sometimes a patient may present with a large fibroadenoma which occupies almost the entire breast. This is known as a Giant fibroadenoma. Once a lump is confirmed to be a fibroadenoma, it may be left alone and observed. It does not regress or disappear on its own or by any medication, but it does not harm and hence can be safely left alone.

Giant fibroadenomas should be surgically excised as, they grow they tend to compress normal breast tissue, causing its pressure atrophy.


Breast Cysts occur commonly in the last decade of reproductive life. Since they may present as a hard lump, they can cause panic as they mimic a cancerous lump. They may be multiple and bilateral. They may cause pain due to the tension in the cyst or due to infection. Diagnosis can be confirmed by ultrasound. An aspiration will empty the cyst and resolve it completely. A word of caution here, they may recur but can be re-aspirated. If on aspiration, there are any solid remnants seen inside the cyst, then these need to be biopsied by a core needle biopsy to rule out malignancy.